Text Marketing
Made Simple

Why UnAd?

UnAd is different from other marketing platforms. Here's why:

Less work, more customers

UnAd is a simple, easy to use marketing platform that allows you to send text message announcements to your customers.


UnAd is a direct-to-consumer marketing platform that allows you to reach customers in an efficient, cost-effective way. With UnAd, you can easily create and send targeted SMS messages and analyze the results to improve future marketing efforts.

How It Works

It only takes a few minutes to get started.

Get Started Today!

Ready to revolutionize your marketing? Take the hassle out of reaching your customers and unlock the power of simplicity with UnAd. Elevate your business with ease – click below to get started and watch your success unfold!

What's with the name?

The name "UnAd" is a sort of portmanteau of "Unobtrusive" and "Advertising". The idea is that the ads are unobtrusive because your customers explicitly sign up to receive the ads directly from you. And when they are already interested in your product or service, and are more likely to engage with your ad.